Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today I took the time and blocked out the unnecessary gunk in my life, facebook, television, and cell phone. Now before you let the gasp of horror escape your lips let me tell you how wonderful it was.

I slept in til seven and to some of you thats no big deal but im normally up at five thirty, so BIG deal to me. I took a leasurely shower and got myself breakfast and ate it in the peace of the morning quiet, as opposed to scarfing down my breakfast in three bites because I couldnt get out of the shower fast enough which sets my whole morning back.

After breakfast I wrote my final copy of "the world needs more love" letters. It is this amazing organization that finds people in need that are going through a rough time in their lives and brings people all together to write them encouraging letters to help get them through their time of need. They have a list of people each month and you can write them a letter if you feel led to help bring them thrrough their nightmare. After I finished that I was feeling all pumped and decided to have a little fun with my camera outside. Then it was off to work.

When I get home, my mom is making dinner and listing to Andre Bochelli whom I love. He is a blind opera singer and his voice will bring you to tears with is beauty. Tonight was a special night. I had such a great day I didnt want to do our usual watch t.v. and eat dinner. So we ate at the table and listened to him sing. I had a great conversation with my mom about life and how I was feeling, things I hadnt realized I wasnt doing. After dinner I wasnt ready for the magic to end so we got out Mexican train and played a couple rounds. I lost, and you know what, I had so much fun loosing. My mom at one point drew all the tiles and still kicked my butt, talk about bad luck. Then she started making up rules as she was going and I began laughing so hard I cried.

Life unpugged isnt so bad after all, it is actually nice.  You grow closer to your loved ones when all the distractions around you cease to exist.

I dare you to try it one night with your family. come on, scared you might like it?


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