Monday, November 7, 2011

hiding in the stacks....

This weekend was one of those perfect ones, where nothing's rushed and you just enjoy the time as it passes by. It was a bit chilly, which was a nice change of pace to the 100 degree weather we in AZ were experiencing all through October. I was able to wear one of my favorite blazers and boots (woot woot) and join my very lovely friend for 7:30 breakfast at Wild Flower Bread Company, delish. We had a great time catching up on life, and i got to hear all about her newly wed life while i told her all about my service learning students. (by the way my class is amazing!) After breakfast we parted ways and i found myself wandering through one of my favorite places, Barns and noble. Soon I found my-self stretched out in one of the aisles reading books to see if they were worth the purchase, especially since my last two were not. I was a bit of a nuisance, I'm surprised no one said anything. People were stepping around me and scooching past me, you might think i was rude hogging an aisle to myself, but its where i read best, all snuggled up and tucked away from all distractions. Just hidden between the stacks, also it makes it much easier to grab the next book if the one in your hand is just not the right fit. But I did end up finding this really great book called Matched, I really cant wait to get my hands back on it. I like books with a strong female character, cause I really cant stand those (oh no someone help me I cant take care of myself types) they really annoy. I think that's why I love The Hunger Games and The Poison study so much these ladies know how to get the job done, none of that damsel in distress crap. Yuck! After the bookstore I was treated to lunch with the parents and a movie, man I've got it good. I rounded it up with some fun picture taking in front of the cotton field by my house.
So how was your weekend?
Happy Monday!


  1. Sounds like a great week-end!

    I love the cotton field, looks very exotic to this Canadian girl!

    I'm glad you guys are getting cooler weathers, Fall is the best season!

    Virginie ♥

  2. Fun shoot, I love that jacket! I've had a couple of books on my nightstand for the last couple of months that I'm dying to read, but can't find the time. Maybe over Christmas break :)
