Friday, February 3, 2012

The truth is a scary thing to admit...

This morning I put my courageous hat on and dug real deep into the complex things that I have been to afraid to face. I realized that in order to find someone who is worth having in your life, you have to show all your cards not expecting anything from them in return. By hiding a part of yourself and not giving your whole self, the truly beautiful part is being stunted like a tree not able to seek out the sunlight. I realized this morning that everyone deserves to be loved and with holding back any part of loving another person even, when its tough, can scar them and prevent them from growth and knowing love. Being one of Gods children comes with responsibility and hiding from it only makes you a coward and not a disciple. So I have come to the conclusion that I will show all my card always, Love everyone especially threw the hard stuff and be the strongest disciple that he has made for me to be. Because tomorrow may never come so I'm going to appreciate what life I have today.


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