Friday, October 28, 2011

Lets talk Jeans

Jeans and I are like peanutbutter and jelly, you cant have one with out the other. The way they hug you in all the right places, and can be dressed up or down. Now dont get me wrong i like skirts and dresses too but there seems to always be a breeze just when you dont need one. Example, you're walking by a cute guy and theres a breeze and your skirt blows all over the place and theres that awkwardness of trying to keep it down. You know it just never happens for me the way it did for Marilyn Monroe. Im sticking to the story that that look was totaly faked, cuz it doesnt happen naturally. But with jeans on the other hand, you never have that little problem, or the uncomfortable shorts tugging. Come on ladies you know what im talking about here, when your shorts start to give you a mini weggie and your walking around all funny and your trying to tug them down discreatly but really everyone knows what your up to. Sometimes I want to be like "yea my shorts are getting a little too friendly, quit giving me the stare down". Oh the love a girl has for her jeans. I hope you all have at least one good pair in your closet. Im a bit of a jean hoarder.  Its becoming a problem, if you see me on that show hoarders dont judge.

Happy Friday!!!!
Its the weekend!!!  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beating time is a loosing fight...

I enjoy life and try to live it with a fiery passion. Being kind to others, giving back to the community, just giving that stranger a pearly smile, whatever it takes. I'm high on life.  Each day is a gift and i don't intend on wasting it. I have a customer that comes into my store daily.  He's the sweetest old man, and he told me just the other day that he loves how I'm always smiling.  That made my soul fill with joy, and i couldn't help but flash him a grin. Now don't get me wrong i have my bad days to, and trust me there are some duzzies, but i choose not to hold on to that. Instead i hold on to the good stuff, like the memories of my brothers and me playing baseball in the front yard, or the rush after getting to the top of my first mountain (camelback 9years old) or even my kids in Sunday school using me as a human jungle gym, smothering me in their love. I love this life and i intend to live it as God has written it for me. I am his servant to use as he so desires.

Happy Sunday!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Taking a breather

Took some time out to go to lunch with our family friends this Sunday after church. I needed a time out before my week started and I was back to hitting the books. We had a good time laughing and talking, while we ate. Much needed down time for me.

Hope y'all have a great week.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Crisp and clear

Fall is here baby!!! Its like over night the cool air has come in and the light jackets come out. Oh how I love this time of year, it is special to me. The way everything has a new light and new smells. Apples and apple cyder and apple pie, all the sweet treats that make fall more enjoyable. I'm bursting with excitement here guys.

Went for a little walk this morning before class to get my fill before i have to sit in a stuffy old classroom. (blaaa) I'm sure all the parents passing by were like what in the heck is this chick up to, as they were rushing about there day and getting their kids to school. I was just taking some me time, and being outside enjoying our first taste of fall does it for me folks.

Have a happy Friday!!!