Friday, August 12, 2011

Life is like an hour glass, glued to the table

As this school year starts, my friends and I are accepting great changes. We are all getting ready to go our separate ways, to diffrent schools. My friend Jen was so kind to take pictures of us, to remember this time in our lives when we were all together. Now, we may always be friends and share many more memories together, but we will also make new friends and have new adventures in our lives that will be shared with new people as well. We'll also have this day to remember the last couple of years we all spent at school together.

Thank you for your friendship.

Happy Friday!!


  1. It's good to take a step back to appreciate where we are, where we've come from, and where we are going. Old town?

  2. I was so honored to take them ur friends and u r awesome!!!!
