Lately, life has been hectic and crazy, and to be honest i have bitten off more than I can chew. I have missed sitting down at least a few mornings a week to blog. It brings me joy and I've missed that, so to catch you all up on this crazy life of mine sit tight. Monday was the start of the madness. I teach Sunday school, so naturally when the summer VBS (vacation bible school) program came up I volunteered not realizing how many other commitments I already agreed to. Along with VBS this week two coworkers have gone out of town and I have had to pick up extra shifts at work. Not that Im complaining, my paycheck will be SWEET but it would have worked out better at another time. But there is no use crying over spilt milk. Along with VBS i signed up for a vocational bible study class which meets Friday Saturday and sunday for three hours. Needless to say i am a busy bee! I am so looking forward to the end of the week to get some rest. But in contradicting myself, I will also be so sad when it is over because I will so miss my VBS kids.
Beckys hair bows!!!
A dear friend of mine becky is so creative. She can make anything out of yarn at the drop of a hat. She is currently in the process of making me a headband. when i thought that was the only trick up her sleeve I saw these beautiful hair barrettes! they are so fun and dress up any hair do. She has a website which i must get from her, but for now im just going to enjoy showing off my spoils.
Awwww you are so sweet!!!! <3 you!!! The site is :) Your bow will be with me on Sunday!! :)