Sunday, October 28, 2012


My dear friend Cami and I had a wonderfully delicious dinner at the Olive Mill. The pizza we ate was gooey and cheesy and packed full of flavor. We sat outside in the cool evening air and had well needed girl time. We talked of the importance of solid friendships and how when you have people as true friends, the ones you can bear your soul to, and the ones who don't pass judgement, how they are the ones that make up the core of your friendships and how important they are to keep held dearest to your heart.
After our talk I thought of the amazing women I have in my core, the ones I freely bare my soul to, where I am my true self, my whole self, where all of me is accepted. Where I can be goofy or odd or say vulnerable things and there is no need to explain myself or apologize for being true to me. I believe that some people bring out a different part of you than others, its not that you're putting on a persona or acting, just that particular friendship needs more of that personality trait than others.
This can sometimes become exhausting but to have that solid group of ladies in my life where we all take turns filling each position of comfort, grief, jokester, and so on we become like warriors ready to fight the battle of life together. I feel so strongly that every women should have these types of friendships, it is so powerful what you can accomplish.  I learn so much from these Godly women, they strengthen me and hold me accountable for my actions. I have never had such wonderful girl friends before.  I was always closer to my guy friends because the girls I would choose to be friends with would end up hurting me very bad. I was blind and would share personal things with them only for them to be thrown back in my face later. This has made me wiser in who I seek out as a friend. Do you have a core group of friends? What is that like for you? How do you go about making friends? What are the qualities you like? I would love to hear back from you.


Friday, October 26, 2012

through the lense

1. Last of the grapes for the season and they were good. 2. A beautiful cloudy day. 3. Goofing off with my camera. 4.&5. cooking stew. 6. My new Honda CRV 7. Its been two years and we finally have curtains woohoo! 8. my boy acting all cuddly.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Home tour: Fall festivities

Welcome to our home come on in! 
Here is our front room, very excited how it turned out. If you were to come for dinner we would set out our best plates, which happen to be our every day plates, we would eat a delicious dinner and talk and laugh the night away.

Just past the kitchen is our family room where all the hot apple cider sipping, curled up in a blanket reading, T.V. watching happens. Its also the place where the deep conversations and hardy laughs happen. 
Here is a picture of when I was just three with my moma and childhood friend Devar at a pumpkin patch as kids. It feels fitting with the season and a great trip down memory lane.

BOO! hangs on the door to my room, just a festive touch to give my bedroom some fall freshness along with a garland of autumn leaves.

Thanks for dropping by. Hope you had fun, taking a peek inside our home.