Saturday the family and I took the light rail up to the science center. This was the first time I had ridden the light rail and let me tell you it was nothing like the metro in D.C. The ride seemed to go on forever and some of the people that were getting on and off were quite the character, one man kept screaming FIVE MINUTES! THEY ARE FIVE MINUTES LATE! J and I just kept smiling and nodding, I leaned over to him and whispered I think the light rail is five minutes late and we both busted up laughing.

We final arrived at our stop, and I just about bolted from our car I was so excited to be getting off. Before the Science center we stopped to grab some lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. Lunch was pretty darn good. I ordered the mac and cheese. Now on the topic of mac and cheese there is something you must know about me. I enjoy trying different styles of mac and cheese at restaurants I visit to see how they can take an ordinary dish and make it something unique. That aside we finished up our lunch and walked the remaining blocks to the Science center.

When we arrived, Royzie upgraded our tickets to include seeing the Vangogh exhibit. I myself was giddy from head to toe, in thinking we were going to see actual Vangogh paintings. Well imagine my surprise that the exhibit was actually all done through video. Don't get me wrong I still liked it, and the music was the kind that creeped into your soul and just warmed you from the inside out, like a joy that I am just finding a hard time describing to you. Yes it was that good.

After we sat through the Vangogh exhibit we headed back down to the bottom floor to start at the beginning and work our way through the museum. In all the excitement of the knowledge around us I forgot to take pictures except for this one of J watching a presentation with all his minions. Notice how the six foot giant is in the front row, while all the littles try and strain around him. It just cracked me up, I mentioned it to him later and he told me he wanted to have the best view, it wasn't his fault they were so small. That's my best friend for you, always looking out for the little people. ( insert a few coughs throughout that last sentence.)
After exploring the four levels of the science center, we were pooped and starving. Royzie has been wanting to go to the Pizzeria Bianco and said "I have always wanted to eat there" so we went and grabbed us a seat at the bar and scarfed down some delicious pizza.
On our way back to the Light rail we took a few pictures by the buildings that surrounded the science center.
We went home with full bellies and talked about our favorite parts of the day.
Until the next adventure!