Friday, December 16, 2011

Channeling my inner Miss Congeniality

Senior picture!

Lately I have been feeling like Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality. I think I'm hilarious, others not so much. My mother gets it, but not always everyone else. All I keep thinking is at least she thinks I'm funny. Sandra says this while cramming a bagel into her mouth.  I however I think this as the room goes silent and im the only one laughing, as i have cracked myself up and now im snorting. Its not really as bad as I make it out to be, but really I do get those awkward moments where people give me the look of what in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is she talking about?. Problem is I change subjects with out telling people.  I just expect them to follow along with my maddness. Example, I was at work this week and i was helping a women named Pam. It took me every fiber of my being not to start doing the whole step brothers skit where they have the whole Pamd Pan situation. To me that would be freaking hilarious, to her probably not so much, and probably would have cost me my job. Luckily the proffesional side of my brain decided to be a part of the work day and kept my big mouth shut. But if you guys have ever seen that movie its a great scene and if you havent seen it, you need to. You will then truly understand how great that moment would have been.

Happy Friday!!!!!
9 days till Christmas!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Truth be told...

I have always had this friend who would help me out when I needed him.  He has saved me multiple times and for that I am grateful. I would say these events are the moments in time that changed my life and molded me into the person I am today.  Without him I dont know where I'd be. When I was a little girl there are three times he saved me in the biggest way possible.  I am five of six i cant remember exactly, but it was in between that time period. My brother and I are at our cousin Ricky's house, with my stepmother. We're all playing in the backyard when Ricky wants to go get his friend from the diner behind the house. Now I'm from Delaware, so business and houses are really close together.  The diner is only like 5 minutes walking distance. Anyway, we all walk up to the diner together and pick up my cousins friend. On our way back to the  house the boys take off running without me, and I began walking back alone when a man approaches me. All he says was, "hey little girl let me give you a ride". (He might have phrased it a little different, but that's how i remember it being said.) Now my six year old mind knows this man wants to take me away from my family and hurt me so i take off running and he begins to chase me. I am terrified and wish my brother never left me.  As I think he is about to grab me, my cousin Ricky rounds the corner.  I have never been so relieved in my life. He grabs my hand and helps me run faster. I dont dare turn around to see the man.  By the time we get back to the back yard I look behind me and see he is no longer there. I dont remember how the rest of the day went, but I know I was grateful to be safe. Fast forward three years.  I'm now nine and am at my dads shop with my brothers and we are playing hide and go seek with another mechanic's kids.  Back then we were just brought to work with my dad and stepmom to play all day alone and were watched seldom. We're playing hide and seek and I find this really great hiding spot.  I climb under a barrel and sit there waiting. Its really dark in the barrel and I cant hear very well, time passes and I feel like its been a really long time. I think maybe they have found everyone and they just cant find me, so I decide to come out and see who is it next. Well, im stuck.  I cant get my fingers back under the barrel to get it off me. I become panicked and start screaming at the top of my lungs and now im having a hard time breathing. The barrel is becoming hot and im sobbing, no one is coming. I start thinking im going to suffocate and no one will ever find my body, because thats how the shop is, its no place for kids to play, very dangerous. As clear as day im told to lift my hands up, I do and push the barrel over my head. The cool air fills my lungs and I can breath.  This is the second time he saved me. Let me take you ahead two more years now im eleven, Im a very out doorsie girl and climbing a tree with a neighborhood friend. We're climbing very high and I get this great idea to climb to the very top, which is about the height of a two story building. I get to the top and just as I peek my head out the top, the branch breaks and I fall all the way to the bottom. Thing is, nothing was broken not a scratch on me. No bruises, nothing. It was like I floated to the bottom.
This man I call my friend did something so big for me.  He climbed up on a cross and died so that I could be saved.  This is my relationship with Jesus Christ.  The only way I can explain it when im asked why I believe. I believe because I should not be here today.  The woman who writes this blog should not be here before you pouring out her soul. She should be dead, paralysed, or worse a face on a milk carton. But im not because I have God and he surrounds me with his protection and love.

This is my story, I hope you can take a part of it with you.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Cheer Part One...

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loudly for all to here. -Buddy the Elf

Friday, a group of friends and I channeled our inner Buddys and took to the neighborhood knocking on doors and Caroling our hearts out. We were freezing, but our joy kept us going. With our song sheets in hand we sang off key and if i may be so bold a little pitchie (mainly me) luckily we had Brian with us.  He was the only one to keep us on key.

Over all, the night was a great success, As we rounded up the evening with hot coco and hot apple cyder I was filled with giddiness. Until next year my caroling friends.  I will practice my vocals in the mean time.

Happy holiday season!!
13 days till santas here!