As I came home tonight, ready to blog to you all about my fabulous weekend, i find myself alone and starving. I start ravenously looking through the kitchen for something to eat. I pulled out a box of stuffing and asked myself, would this be pathetic to eat a bowl of stuffing for dinner? Self answered, "If you have to ask, then yea it's pretty pathetic". So i put the box of stuffing back and moved off to the fridge. My choices there were to make myself a TEN piece package of chicken or waffles. Yes ladys and gents, I went with the dinner of champions waffles. (see what i did, breakfast of champions, dinner of champions?, I crack my self up.) Anyway, I am excited to put my blogger hat back on since i havent blogged since i went out of town. For those of you that dont know, yes I am back, and those of you that didnt know i left, well now you do. back to my story...
This weekend I spent doing what i do most of my time, working. But on saturday night I was a lucky girl! Mom and Roy took me out for ice cream, yayyyy. They spoil me. I got my self a kids cup cause thats all i can really handle with out getting a stomach ache.
Then on Sunday I co-taught sunday school at my church. Just as im cleaning up, I get a text, Olive Mill lunch 1:00. Yes! Those texts my best friend J is so famous for. I said 1:15 and we were in busniess. J and i both prefer to eat very heathy so we were very excited to try lunch there. we split a cheese spread and salad. We enjoyed all the different olive oils they had to offer. Yes friends there is more than one kind, there are like forty alone in this place. We pondered about taking the tour and decided against it because we're not very pationate about olive oil, and it was a thirty min. wait. We setteled for a quick gelato and a stroll of the grounds. If you life in AZ i highly recomend going there. it is a wonderful experience. they have a ton of different foods and wines to choose from. So we finished our gelato and parted ways, thats how our friend ship is doesnt take much for us to be content.
Happy to be back and happy Monday!!!!